

Galanthus elwesii are one of the few Snowdrops to enjoy more sunlight and a warmer spot to allow them to propagate. This species can grow to as much as 25cm in height and has wide blue-green leaves which are folded together. The innermost petals have two green spots located so close to one another that it appears as if the entire corolla tube is green.

Výška květu: 25 cmPrůměr: 1 cmKvetoucí měsíce: 1 – 2Kvetoucí měsíce: 1 – 2Typ listu: NormálníMnožství na m2: 100Hloubka výsadby: 5 cmMrazuvzdornost: -15 °CPůdní vlhkost: Preferuje dobře vlhkou půduRozteč: Half shadeBarva 1: Bílá

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